Kroger: Don't Harm Your Customers' Health. Stop Pushing Junk Food At Checkout!

Diabetes and heart disease are among the leading causes of disabilities, high health care costs, and death in the United States. They are often linked to unhealthy food and obesity.

The last thing American families need is more junk food pushed on them. But Kroger – the nation's largest traditional supermarket chain – is doing exactly that.

This grocery giant has nearly 3,000 stores, under a variety of names, in 35 states, and is strategically stuffing its checkout aisles with candy, soda, and other junk food to prompt customers to make unhealthy impulse buys. The quantity and prominent placement of these foods makes it harder for parents to shop with kids.

Retailers such as Aldi and CVS have made commitments to improve the food offerings in their checkout aisles. It's time for Kroger to do the same and support consumer health, not harm it.

Please sign the petition and urge Kroger's CEO, Rodney McMullen, to do the right thing and offer healthier choices in the supermarket’s checkout aisles.
Dear Mr. McMullen,

We the undersigned ask that you replace junk food with healthier options in Kroger's checkout lanes.

Most Americans want to eat less sugar and fat, yet your stores push sugary, fatty snacks at checkout to induce customers to make unplanned purchases. Why not offer options like bananas and nuts which support consumer intentions, rather than undermine them?

Kroger's 2016 strategic plan calls for putting the "customer first" and innovating across all levels of business. Healthy checkout would be innovative and would demonstrate your commitment to put customers first. Furthermore, it would set your stores apart from the competition and garner consumer appreciation.

Please do right by American families and stop pushing junk food at checkout.

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