This UFC Fighter Abandoned His Dog in an Airport for 4 Days

Frank Shamrock, a former UFC pro fighter has taken on monsters in the ring, but he probably never had to deal with the wrath of social media until now.

The fighter, whose real name is Frank Juarez, is in hot water after officials found out he abandoned his mother's 7-year-old dog Zelda at an airport.

Shamrock's mother had told him that she could no longer take care of the ailing dog "with a goofy hip," but instead of taking her to the local shelter or leaving her with a friend, he drove to the airport to catch a flight, leaving her tied in the back of his truck for four days.

Zelda was left there helpless and was only rescued when a fellow traveler alerted authorities. The traveler said they noticed the pup when they were flying out, but when they returned two days later, she was still there.

Luckily, Dallas police arrived to save her and transferred her to a rescue facility where she could get the care she needed. But that doesn't negate the fact Shamrock abandoned her in the first place. Animal abandonment is illegal and considered animal cruelty. And Mr. Shamrock shouldn't be given a pass for his negligent act.

Sign the petition and tell Dallas police to charge Frank Shamrock with animal cruelty.

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