Tell Washington University to Stop Hurting Cats

At Washington University in St. Louis, pediatrics residents use cats to learn how to insert a breathing tube in a human infant. They force long tubes down the cats' windpipes, which can cause bruising, bleeding, scarring and intense pain. The cats will be abused again and again like this for years.

Washington University is the only civilian medical center training doctors that continues this inhumane practice.

What's worse? They're already using simulators elsewhere at Washington University! Yet, the pediatrics residency training courses refuse to stop using cats -- it doesn't make any sense!

Tell Washington University to put a stop to this cruel and inhumane practice before they can harm another cat.
Dear Chancellor Wrighton, I urge you to stop using living, breathing cats and animals in the university's pediatrics residency program. Please do the right thing: replace this cruel practice with superior, cruelty-free, nonanimal methods before another animal is harmed. As Chancellor, you hold the lives of many animals in your hands. Please act wisely and compassionately. Thank you! [Your comments will be inserted here.] Sincerely, [Your name here]
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