Stop an Investment Firm from Destroying Rainforests

Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA), which manages many of our retirement accounts as well as city endowments and other public funds, is a shadowy money manager with nearly a billion dollars in logging and palm oil companies that are burning and bulldozing forests across Southeast Asia and Africa. The companies are responsible for displacing peasant farmers and devastating orangutans, Sumatran tigers, and African great apes.

One company it’s invested in has even trafficked arms in Liberia, and another is accused of treating workers like slaves.

Through DFA, millions of us may be linked to some of the worst palm oil and forestry companies on the planet.

Tell DFA to get our money out of rainforest destruction!
Dear Mr. Booth,

Dimensional Fund Advisors has close to a billion dollars tied up in some of most destructive companies on the planet, including several that are implicated in child labor and other serious human rights abuses. If you want names, we’ve got names: Rimbunan Hijau, Ta Ann, WTK Holdings, Wah Seong Corporation, Dalhoff Larsen and Horneman, Kuala Lumpur Kepong. These are companies that no responsible investment firm should be doing business with. You own these companies.

I urge DFA to break ties with any company destroying the rainforests and to put in place a set of screening criteria for investing in forestry and palm oil companies.

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