Tell President Biden: Take executive action on climate now!

Our climate is at a tipping point. Continued bold executive action is urgently needed to protect the health of this and future generations and help chart a just transition to a renewable energy economy.

Across the country, people concerned about their communities have raised their voices, and President Biden has had to respond. From pausing the development of more fossil fuel infrastructure to passing a historic climate law, when we speak up, we can make things happen. But we know there's more to do.

President Biden is currently weighing a climate emergency declaration, a crucial step towards propelling America towards a clean energy economy. We're calling on President Biden to declare a climate emergency strengthening the fight for climate justice and a just transition to a renewable energy future. We also urge the president to reject all federal permits for fossil fuel and other climate-damaging infrastructure.

We cannot afford to delay any longer. Join us in demanding immediate executive action from President Biden to combat the climate crisis head-on.
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