Demand Browmanville Zoo owner MICHAEL HACKENBERGER, the trainer PETA filmed whipping a tiger have his animals removed and charges filed against him

Browmanville zoo owner Michael Hackenberger, the trainer PETA filmed whipping a tiger, had been charged with 5 counts of animal cruelty by Ontario's SPCA. The charges against Hackenberger are based on the video which surfaced 4 months ago, and included causing the animal distress by striking it with a whip handle, repeatedly striking it with a whip, and pushing his thumb into the animal's eye. He was also charged for failing to comply with the animal care standards required by law. In Canada, the SPCA his the right o remove animals and files charges. For now, it's only closely monitoring Hackenberger's zoo. Please sign for the Canadian SPCA to remove the tiger's from his horrible treatment.
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