Support the Pet Safety and Protection Act

  • av: ASPCA
  • mottagare: U.S. Congress
The U.S. Pet Safety and Protection Act would provide a much-needed safety net to ensure that beloved family pets aren't stolen or acquired under false pretenses for sale to research laboratories.

The act would prohibit Class B Dealers -- people who make their livings selling animals to the research industry -- and unlicensed individuals from selling dogs and cats to research labs. Currently, under the Animal Welfare Act of 1966, these people aren't held accountable for where they obtain their animals.

This is a problem because dealers sometimes acquire them through illegal or unethical means -- such as responding to "free to a good home" ads in newspapers, falsifying records to keep the animal's true origins unknown and stealing pets kept in outside yards.

Passing the Pet Safety and Protection will ensure that stolen pets and animals acquired illegally or unethically won't end up in research facilities. Tell Congress to pass the Pet Safety and Protection Act today.
Dear [Decision Maker],

As a concerned constituent, I am writing to urge you to support and cosponsor the Pet Safety and Protection Act (PSPA), S. 1834/H.R. 3907. This important legislation would protect family pets by prohibiting the sale of dogs and cats to research institutions by Class B Dealers.

[Your personal comments will be inserted here.]

Class B Dealers, licensed under the federal Animal Welfare Act, collect dogs and cats from random sources and sell them to the research industry. Class B Dealers sometimes obtain their dogs through illegal or unethical means, such as responding to "free to good home" ads in the newspaper, falsifying records to keep the true origin of the animals unknown and stealing pets kept outside in yards.

Under the PSPA, the only people who would be allowed to sell dogs and cats to research facilities would be licensed dealers who have bred and raised the dog or cat, publicly owned pounds or shelters that obtained the animals from their legal owners, and persons donating a dog or cat that they have bred and raised or owned for at least 1 year. People who obtained dogs and cats by any other means would not be permitted to sell those dogs and cats to research laboratories, thus ensuring that stolen pets do not end up in research facilities. This bill would eliminate the incentive for dealers and "bunchers"--people who collect animals from random sources and sell them to Class B Dealers--to obtain dogs and cats through illegal or unethical means, as there would be no profit in doing so.

The PSPA would in no way impede research. There are many breeders who breed dogs specifically for the research industry and who will continue to fill the demand for such animals. The PSPA will, however, end the fraudulent practices of random-source dealers and the unnecessary suffering of animals in their care. Currently, over half of the Class B Dealers selling random source animals to research labs are under investigation by the USDA for allegedly failing to comply with the law. The PSPA would not only ensure that such dealers cease to operate, but would also guarantee that others do not emerge to take their place.

The Pet Safety and Protection Act would provide a much-needed safety net to ensure beloved pets are not stolen or acquired under false pretenses and sold to research laboratories. Therefore, I respectfully urge you to support and cosponsor S. 1834/H.R. 3907.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
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