Tell Congress: End Fossil Fuel Handouts!

The fossil fuel industry is taking billions from taxpayers every year in the form of special tax breaks, all while raking in trillions in profits. And our climate is paying the price.

We have to break the chokehold that dirty fossil fuels have on our country and transition to a clean energy economy. But first we have to end the special handouts fossil fuel companies receive and instead focus on permanent investments in our clean energy future.

Sign the petition and tell Congress to end fossil fuel handouts and support permanent clean energy investments.
Dear Congress,

Oil, gas, and coal companies are fueling the climate crisis while simultaneously benefiting from billions in taxpayer-funded government handouts.

And yet, polluter allies in Congress are doubling down on fossil fuel handouts while giving temporary support to the wind and solar industries. This blatant favoritism toward dirty energy has to stop.

[Your comment will go here]

I urge Congress to end its subsidies for dirty energy, and instead focus on building our clean energy future by making wind and solar tax credits permanent.

Thank you,
[Your name]
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