Legalize Same-sex Marriage in the United States!

  • av:
  • mottagare: President Barack Obama
Despite President Obama's promises to his LGBT constituents that gay marriage would soon be legalized in the U.S., millions of loving families are routinely denied the roughly 1,300 legal protections that only legal civil marriage affords.

Even as starlets get married and divorced in the same year, opponents of same-sex marriage still clamor for the "preservation of the sacred institution." These opponents insist that civil unions bestow the same rights as civil marriage, but that LGBT citizens should only have access to one. They claim that to allow same-sex marriage is to destroy family life as we know it. All of these statements have no basis in truth.

It's time for America to step into the future. Demand marriage equality today!
When you were first running for election, you promised that marriage equality would be high on your agenda. Now, three years later, your LGBT voters have seen no changes.

Millions of loving families are routinely denied the roughly 1,300 legal protections that only legal civil marriage affords. Same-sex partners of U.S. citizens are threatened with deportation; same-sex partners cannot make medical decisions for their loved ones.

By continuing to deny marriage equality, you are prioritizing political clout over the desires of literally millions of people. Please repeal DOMA and legalize same-sex marriage today!
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