Save Our Seals: Hawaiian Monk Seals Facing Extinction

The Hawaiian monk seal is disappearing. And because they are found only in the U.S., it is our responsibility to save them. With fewer than 1,200 individuals remaining, it is more endangered than the giant panda or the Asian elephant.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has gotten off to a good start: they created the Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery Team to coordinate the urgent response essential to the seal's recovery. But more must be done! The Recovery Team needs $7 million a year to save our seals, but NOAA has not adequately funded the plan. Meanwhile, the Hawaiian monk seal population continues to plummet.

We are facing an escalating crisis, and we need your help - today! Urge Mary Glackin, acting NOAA administrator, to show support for properly funding the Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery Plan.
Mary Glackin
Acting NOAA Administrator
1401 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20230

Dear Ms. Glackin,

I support aggressive implementation of NOAA's recovery plan to save the Hawaiian monk seal from extinction. The recovery plan calls for roughly $7 million a year to stabilize and eventually recover the species. Unfortunately, NOAA is only providing about $2 million per year, and the Hawaiian monk seal population continues to decline.

With fewer than 1,200 monk seals remaining, NOAA needs to act boldly. Please include $7 million in the agency's 2010 budget.

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