Implement Stricter Animal Cruelty Punishment, Animal Abuse Registry & Lifetime Ban on Future Pet Ownership

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: English Government, Prime Minister of England, David Cameron

A sweet young dog named Chunky got into the wrong hands unknown to his owners and underwent some cruel and abusive treatment.  You can read the full story of what Chunky had to undergo and the suffering sustained at

The sad part of the story is that the abusers did not seem to get the punishment that fit the crime.  The poor animals and other like him undergo great pain and suffering by those who think it is entertaining to hurt and abuse innocent animals and then toss them aside to die a slow agonizing death.  Luckily Chunky was discovered and treated for his horrific injuries but many do not.  Yet those who abused the animal seemed to get a mere slap on the hand, some minor fines and a ban of 5 years from ever owning or handling another animal. 

Those of us who speak out for the voiceless hardly feel such a punishment is enough to teach someone that an animal should never be harmed or abused.  Our efforts in this petition is to ask for harsher punishments of animal abusers in the UK such as being charged with a felony animal cruelty charge for each incident, a lifetime ban on ever owning or touching another animal without severe jail time and consequences and to give full consideration in creating an animal abuse and cruelty registry much similar to that of sex offenders that would include all names and charges of anyone who has committed any type of animal abuse and cruelty acts.  You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.  Let us speak loudly for the betterment, safety and well-being of animals.

English Government, Prime Minister of England, David Cameron – We strongly urge you to implement harsher punishments of animal abusers in the UK such as being charged with a felony animal cruelty charge for each incident, a lifetime ban on ever owning or touching another animal without severe jail time and consequences and to give full consideration in creating an animal abuse and cruelty registry much similar to that of sex offenders that would include all names and charges of anyone who has committed any type of animal abuse and cruelty acts.  Please take more stringent steps in protecting animals and warding off such cruelty as those that Chunky had to undergo!

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