Urge the CSIRO Not to Go Into Partnership with Oil and Gas Giants and Help Protect the Great Australian Bight

  • av: Georgina B.
  • mottagare: Executive director of the CSIRO's Future Research Vessel Project, Toni Moate

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation's (CSIRO) research vessel Investigator has entered into a partnership with Chevron and BP to carry out survey work in the Great Australian Bight, according to a story on ABC.net.au

The CSIRO is Australia’s national science agency - and Green Groups are questioning CSIRO's deal with the oil and gas giants.

Green Groups have said the research vessel can do good work but are concerned by BP plans to drill deep water exploration wells in the Bight from early next year.

Many environmentalists say the Great Australian Bight is an inappropriate place to be trying to turn into an oil and gas field as it is a significant whale calving area, whale breeding area and is home to some very significant Australian sea lion colonies.

The waters of the Great Australian Bight and the creatures that depend on it for survival need to be protected. Will you join me in urging the CSIRO not to go into partnership with oil and gas giants?

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