Help Us End Taiji Dolphin Hunts!

Hunters kill hundreds of dolphins every year in brutal drive hunts in Taiji, Japan. Global demand for dolphins for "entertainment" fuels this slaughter.

Captive facilities select live dolphins from the bloody waters. These dolphins are flown to theme parks in Japan, China and around the world.

Airlines must stop carrying dolphins caught in drive hunts. You can help — sign our petition now.

Most airlines belong to one of three alliances. We want these associations to encourage their members to stop transporting dolphins.

We're starting with Star Alliance. We've asked all its member airlines for their position on carrying dolphins. Several Star Alliance members have made statements against the carriage of wild-caught dolphins, but we want all member airlines to join the campaign to help end the slaughter.

Sign the petition now. Ask Mark Schwab, CEO of Star Alliance to issue a policy against transporting live dolphins.
Dear Mr Schwab,

I believe you can help us stop the dolphin slaughter in Taiji, Japan.

As I'm sure you are aware, every year in Japan, dolphins of several species are hunted and killed in brutal hunts in Japan. During these 'drives' many dolphins are captured alive for public display. In the 2013-14 hunt season, over 800 dolphins were killed and at least 158 taken alive. While some of these dolphins are sent to facilities in Japan, large numbers are exported overseas, including 150 in 2013-14. These dolphins are carried by air, including by the cargo businesses of commercial airlines. Star Alliance members have been among those transporting wild-caught dolphins.

The exported dolphins supply facilities in countries as far flung as China, Egypt, Thailand and Ukraine. China is by far the biggest importer, with 60% of all live dolphins exported going there between 2002 and 2014.

Several Star Alliance members have made statements against the carriage of wild-caught dolphins, particularly those captured in drive hunts and some have developed policies against such carriage. I would like to see all airlines develop such a policy against this cruel trade.

[Your comments here]

I therefore call on Star Alliance to develop an Alliance policy against the carriage of wild-caught dolphins, for which the Alliance would be highly praised by the international wildlife community and airline passengers around the world.

Yours Sincerely,
[Your name here]
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