Pledge to Help Make the World Safer, Kinder for Street Dogs

Millions of dogs live on the streets around the world -- dogs like yours and mine. Every day they face being poisoned, electrocuted or shot as a result of misguided efforts to manage overpopulation. Humane Society International (HSI) aims to change that.

A good animal control program should provide low-cost sterilization, rescue mistreated animals, and provide vaccinations. HSI is working with local groups to provide these services to homeless dogs and puppies all around the world -- from Chile to China, Bhutan, Ethiopia,the Philippines and more. Through partnerships with local governments, HSI is helping both pups and people.

Sign the pledge to:

- Learn more about humane ways to manage street dog populations
- Help educate your friends and family about the difficult lives of street dogs and how they can help
- Fight the worst atrocities to street dogs through anti-cruelty legislation and political pressure

Pledge today to help our best friends the world over.
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