Wolf Awareness Week Recognition

  • av: Letha Newlan
  • mottagare: Bob Taft, Governor of Ohio, Office of the Governor
Petition Target: Bob Taft, Governor of Ohio

The wolf has long been used, ridiculed, labeled and abused. It is time to put this to an end. And show others the beauty of this creature that God created.

Defenders of Wildlife has a wonderful program that educates and sheds much needed light on this beautiful animal and exposes the false nature upon which many fears are based. Ohio and many other states have not yet chosen to support this cause. Lets show our Governor that we want this animal to recognized for the wonderful animal that it is and not let its image be abused anymore. We want Ohio to acknowledge Wolf Awareness Week. For 2001 it is held October 14-20.

Petition Target: Bob Taft, Governor of Ohio

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that you take action now to ensure that the state of Ohio will begin Wolf Awareness Week Recognition now and in the future.

The wolf has long been used, ridiculed, labeled and abused. It is time to put an end to such mistreatment. Instead, it is time to show the world the beauty of this creature that God created.

Defenders of Wildlife has a wonderful program that educates and sheds much needed light on this beautiful animal and exposes the false nature upon which many fears are based. Ohio and many other states have not yet chosen to support this cause.

We the undersign want you to recognize our concern for the future of the wolf and implore you to help us ensure a future for this majestic creature. The first step of which is to educate the populous. We want the wolf to be recognized for the wonderful animal that it is and not let its image be abused anymore. We want Ohio to acknowledge Wolf Awareness Week. For 2001 it is held October 14-20.

The Undersigned.

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