We demand justice for the Thula Thula rhino calves and for the caretakers and security workers who were brutally attacked and raped at the Rhino Orphanage!
We are outraged and heartbroken with the events of the attack of the Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage at the Thula Thula reserve in northern KZN. Poachers attacked the staff and killed the rhinos in a brutal way. These actions must be condemned, the government has to make stronger laws and ban the trade and possession of any piece of rhino horn. Rhino horn is not medicine!!!! We have to stop the demand to end these violent crimes as the poachers not only hurt animals, they hurt people too.
We demand life sentence for all criminals that participated in this brutal attack on Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage on 20 February 2017. This rhino orphanage was struck by horror when poachers attacked and sexually assaulted staff and murdered two rhino orphans.
It has been reported that: " Two suspects, allegedly members of a heavily-armed gang that beat-up security guards and workers at a Zululand rhino orphanage before killing two rhino calves on Monday night, have been arrested. Police spokesman, Brigadier Vish Naidoo, said they were nabbed by members of the Ermelo SAPS Canine Unit near Ermelo, Mpumalanga, at about 6pm on Tuesday. A heavy-caliber hunting rifle and several rounds of ammunition was found in the suspect’s vehicle, a white Toyota double-cab Reg: YCV 797 NW, he said.
The suspects, aged 37 and 34, are said to be known rhino poachers from a notorious gang operating as far away as Mpumalanga and Kruger National Park. Police expect to make more arrests within the next 24 hours". According to an article published by News24 on 10/08/2016.
•First bail application Ermelo Magistrate's Court, this Friday 24th 2017.
"Police crime statistics released in September 2015 state that in 2014/2015 there were a total of 53 617 sexual offences reported to the South African Police Services (SAPS). This translates into 147 cases per day. The difficulty with using statistics released by the SAPS is that many incidents of rape go unreported; some studies estimate that if all rapes were reported, the figures could be as high 482 000 for the country".
•The current stats indicate that fewer than 18 thousand rhinos remain in the wild. Two rhinos are being killed every day for their horns, for snake oil medicine and if no action is taken now all rhinos will join the dodo in extinction by 2025.
•We, as South African tax payers are fed up of supporting life for those who rape women.
AND We, as Animal lovers and concerned South African citizens are fed up with the way and the rate at which rhinos are being murdered every day and without any action being taken by the government of South Africa to put an end to these killings of innocent rhinos and the raping of women.
•We demand harsher punishments. These rapists and rhino poachers that attacked Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage should all receive the maximum punishment under law, life sentences. If you care about our natural heritage - our rhinos and if you care about South African women and your own wife/girl child, MAKE THIS HAPPEN! On behalf of these women and rhinos, We, the undersigned, demand the following:
• Life sentence for those who rape women
• Life sentence for the murderers of Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage calves and all other rhino poachers
• Immediate enforcement of the laws that protect women and rhinos in South Africa
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