Show Your Support for Expanding End-of-Life Care Options

About one in five U.S. residents currently have a healthcare option that's denied to the people of Illinois: The chance to chart their own end-of-life journey. 

Medical aid in dying allows terminally ill adults with six months or less to live the option to request and take medication prescribed by their doctor to end unbearable suffering. It is entirely optional for both the terminally ill person and the doctor, and puts the patient in charge of what happens with their dying process. 

Access to a peaceful death should not be determined by where you live. Take action today, and pledge to join the fight to allow terminally ill Illinois residents the opportunity to end their story on their terms.

The Compassion & Choices family comprises two organizations: Compassion & Choices (the 501(c)(3)), whose focus is expanding access, public education and litigation; and Compassion & Choices Action Network (the 501(c)(4)), whose focus is legislative work at the federal and state levels.

Paid for by Compassion & Choices Action Network 

Dear Compassion & Choices,

I am writing today to strongly support allowing access to medical aid in dying in Illinois. 

This practice allows terminally ill adults with six months or less left to live the option to request and take medication prescribed by their doctor to end unbearable suffering. It's entirely optional, and gives patients autonomy -- putting them in charge of requesting and taking the medication, with the ability to change their mind at any time. 

Access to a peaceful death should not be determined by where you live. I pledge to support the people of Illinois and fight to get them the chance to end their story on their terms.

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