The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is under unprecedented assault.
The Trump Administration recently proposed a catastrophic plan to cripple the ESA through new regulations. These proposed changes would dismantle this landmark law by gutting existing protections for threatened and endangered wildlife. We can't let this happen.
We are facing an extinction crisis of epic proportion with species' extinction happening at a rate at least 100 times greater than what would be considered normal. Scientists warn we could lose half of all Earth's species in as little as 33 years. At this moment in history, we should be working to strengthen, not weaken, the ESA.
Most Americans favor a strong ESA. This attack on the ESA is greed and big money politics at their absolute worst.
Please take action to tell the Trump Administration: Hands Off the ESA!
Dear Secretary Zinke,
RE: FWS Rulemaking Dockets:
As an American who cares deeply for our nation's wildlife, I strongly oppose the Trump Administration's proposed changes to key regulations implementing the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This proposal will weaken federal efforts to protect wildlife and will undermine America's most effective law for protecting species from extinction.
The changes are contained in three major ESA rulemakings currently being conducted by the Department of the Interior and/or the Department of Commerce and announced in the Federal Register on July 25, 2018. They are: Revision of the Regulations for Prohibition to Threatened Wildlife and Plants. 83 Fed. Reg. 35174 (July 25, 2018) (Department of the Interior only); Revision of Regulations for Interagency Cooperation 83 Fed. Reg. 35178 (July 25, 2018) (Department of the Interior and Department of Commerce); and Revision of the Regulations for Listing Species and Designating Critical Habitat, 83 Fed. Reg. 35193 (July 25, 2018) (Department of the Interior and Department of Commerce).
Our nation and our planet face an extinction crisis of epic proportion with species' extinction happening at a rate at least 100 times greater than what would be considered normal. Scientists warn we could lose half of all Earth's species in as little as 33 years. At this moment in history, we should be working to strengthen, not weaken, the ESA. However, the Department of Interior's rulemakings, along with over 100 anti-ESA bills and amendments proposed this Congress alone, have put the ESA under unprecedented attack.
These regulations would weaken endangered species protections by:
- Wrongly injecting economics into what should be purely science-based decisions about listing imperiled species;
- Depriving threatened species from automatically receiving protections from killing, trapping, and other forms of harm and commercial exploitation;
- Further imperiling endangered species by blinding federal agencies to the broad consequences of their actions and limit what wildlife expert can look at in their reviews of federal activities.
The ESA works. Ninety-nine percent of listed species have survived, and many have been set on a path to recovery. I strongly urge the Trump Administration to withdraw this damaging plan.
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