Urge the UK government to stop fracking.

  • av: Alison Gore
  • mottagare: The Rt Hon Edward Davey MP, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

The Government have not been able to reassure us that fracking is safe.  We have not been given assurance or guarantees that we will not suffer from severe air and water pollution affecting our health and causing damage to the countryside.  Please urge the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change to stop all fracking and search for safer, less damaging sources of energy for the UK that wont accelerate climate change and destroy the planet.

Dear Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, The Rt Hon Edward Davey MP,
Please put a stop to fracking in the UK and search for safer, less damaging sources of energy for the UK that wont accelerate climate change and destroy the planet.
We are concerned about severe water and air pollution, the impact this will have upon the health of UK citizens and also the effect upon the British countryside.  
We urge you to stop fracking seek safer options that will not have such a negative impact upon the UK and the rest of the world. 

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