URGENT: Ask President Obama to Finalize Environmental Priorities

  • av: WWF
  • mottagare: President Obama

President Obama has less than two months until he turns over the reins to a new administration. Let's make sure he knows we're still watching, and that we want to see the key environmental initiatives his administration started, finished.

Ask President Obama to prioritize protecting natural places like the Arctic from oil and gas drilling, finalize the illegal fishing regulations his administration has put forward, and protect conservation and international climate funding in the current budget.

Dear President Obama,

I am inspired by how far we've come over the last decade in our fight to protect this planet. What you do now will have a lasting impact on our environment.

I'm writing to ask you to:

1. Permanently protect America's Arctic from offshore oil and gas development.

2. Finalize and implement the anti-illegal fishing regulations.

3. Protect conservation and international climate priorities in the FY 17 budget.

4. Publish regulations that define a de minimus exception for the Lacey Act amendments thereby protecting against illegal wood products entering the US.

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