Methane emissions emitted from the oil and gas industry are dangerous. To tackle this problem, the EPA has released an updated rule to cut methane and other harmful pollutants from new and existing oil and gas operations.
The EPA has opened a comment period now until February 13th. This is our chance to make our voices heard and tell the EPA we need them to finalize the strongest rules possible today!
Pollution emitted from the oil and gas industry has dangerous effects on the health and well-being of Latine communities. Recent data shows 1.6 million Latines live within ½ mile of an active oil and gas facility in the U.S., which represents the radius of populations living in proximity to oil and gas development that are most likely to be affected by hazardous pollutants like benzene, a known carcinogen.
In addition, methane is a strong climate warmer, 80 times more powerful than CO2 in the short-term. The majority of Latines in the U.S. live and work in regions devastated by natural disasters that were made more extreme because of climate change.
Send your comment to urge the EPA to finalize a strong methane rule without further delay. Finalizing this long overdue rule is critical to protecting millions of Latines and other communities across the country.
Protect Latine Communities by urging the EPA to pass a strong Methane Rule
Dear Administrator Regan,
I urge the EPA to finalize a strong rule that will tackle methane emissions from the oil and gas industry. I am deeply concerned with the negative impacts the pollution emitted from the oil and gas industry has on the health and well-being of Latine communities.
Methane is a potent climate warmer that is rapidly increasing the pace of the climate crisis. The oil and gas industry releases a significant amount of methane through its operations. The majority of Latines in the U.S. live in regions devastated by natural disasters that were made more extreme because of climate change. Climate change also increases risks for Latine workers that commonly work in outdoor environments like agriculture, construction, and landscaping due to extreme weather exposure. The EPA methane rule is critical for tackling this problem by developing new rules mandating the use of technology at oil and gas sites that will reduce methane and other co-pollutants from oil and gas extraction.
While the rules are a step in the right direction, the proposed safeguards must be strengthened before they are finalized in three major ways:
The EPA has an obligation to protect our communities, especially those at the frontlines of this crisis and who are disproportionately Black, Brown, and Indigenous. I urge the EPA to swiftly finalize a strong methane rule that will protect Latine families and communities nationwide.
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