Save our Sigma Derby Game from Extinction

There is a fun old game called Sigma Derby that many of the Casinos in Las Vegas are starting to remove becuase casinos can make more money using the floor space for other modern games. By removing this game we are losing a bit of Vegas history and a very fun game to play. We want to keep Sigma Derby as a viable game and not lose this piece of Las Vegas history

To : The management of MGM Mirage and other repected Casinos that value history and fun gaming entertainment

We, the undersigned,  believe it is important to keep in operation one particular casino game that is fun and is a piece of Las Vegas history even if it does not today maximize return on casino floor space as it once did.  In this regard, we ask that you please keep the current Sigma Derby game you have in the MGM Grand and consider bringing this game back to some of your other properties that have removed this fun, entertaining, unique and historical slot machine type game.

We recognize that you have a duty to maximize value for your shareholders but the only way to do this is to maximize entertainment and fun to your patrons.  In this regard, we promises to got out of our way to patronize all of your properties that have or will have Sigma Derby games in operation.

Thank you for considering this petition to save Sigma Derby.


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