Save Lions From Carbofuran Pesticide Poisoning!

  • av:
  • mottagare: Kenya's Minister of Tourism and Wildlife

Currently, carbofuran pesticide is easily accessible in Kenya. It is used to keep wildlife out of crops, but once one animal has been poisoned, the carcass attracts other wildlife. The poison then travels from carcass to predator, leading to horrible deaths on each step along the food chain.

Lions are a vulnerable species that depend on a wide variety of wildlife to survive. With a diet that ranges from wildebeest to birds, they are at tremendous risk of carbofuran pesticide poisoning. Unfortunately, their population has already declined by 30 to 50 percent over the past two decades, due to human population growth, agricultural expansion, hunting and poaching by livestock ranchers.

While the Kenyan government has stopped allowing sales of this pesticide in Kenya, some members of Kenya's parliament still oppose a ban of the pesticide. Please send a message to the Minister of Tourism and Wildlife today in support of a ban on carbofuran pesticide.

Your Honorable Najib Balala,

As a wildlife lover and conservationist, I am concerned about the use of carbofuran pesticide in your country. While I welcome Kenya's decision to stop allowing sales of this poison, I urge you to work toward a complete ban of carbofuran pesticide immediately.

[Your personal comments will be added here.]

When used to keep wildlife out of crops, carbofuran pesticide travels up the food chain poisoning all wildlife in its path, from the smallest animals to the renowned and iconic African lions. And as a traveler and consumer, I would strongly consider visiting Kenya for its beautiful parks and wildlife, but it is important to me that deadly poisons such as carbofuran pesticide be removed completely from the country.

Please ban carbofuran pesticide, and protect your beautiful nation's lions and wildlife instead.
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