Urge Congress to Outlaw Videos of Animal Cruelty

The Supreme Court recently rejected a federal law aimed at banning videos displaying graphic violence against animals, saying it violates the constitutional right to free speech. While the rights of American citizens should be honored, those being harmed in the videos should also be remembered.

It is not right to make a profit from images of animals being brutalized and tortured. A better defined ban on the sale of videos displaying malicious acts of cruelty, such as dog fighting, should be enforced.

Please, sign this petition asking Congress to outlaw videos of animal cruelty.

Dear Congress member,

While American citizens have the right to freedom of speech, explicit videos that expose animal cruelty are offensive. Redistributing such vile videos for a profit should not be allowed.

I urge you to pass a more defined law to prohibit videos that depict dog fights and other such illegal acts against animals.

[Your comments here]

Animals are living creatures who, unfortunately, are sometimes mistreated. While there are already laws against abusing them, please ensure that a law is passed outlawing videos of animals being mistreated.
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