Red Knots Need Protecting Under the Endangered Species Act

Red knots have seen their population plummet by more than 75 percent.

It went from being among North America's most abundant bird species to the brink of extinction in less than 20 years. Climate change, overfishing of horse shoe crabs (their key food source) and other factors are to blame.

A threatened or endangered listing would make critical resources available for red knot protection. There is no time to lose as this bird plunges toward extinction.

Sign the petition to list the red knot as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Dear Director Ashe,

I'm writing to you today to urge you to list the red knot as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

The red knot population has declined more than 75% since 1989. It went from being among North America's most abundant bird species to the brink of extinction in less than 20 years. Climate change, overfishing of horse shoe crabs (their key food source) and other factors are to blame.

Protecting the red knot under the ESA would not only benefit the red knot, but other shorebirds as well, since many other species have similar long migrations and are declining due to habitat pressures.

The red knot is just one of many species threatened with extinction in our country. From beetles to birds to bats hundreds, if not thousands of animals are disappearing. The red knot rufa could easily become one of them if action is not taken today.

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