Aurora City Council Just Banned the Sale of Most Cats and Dogs being sold in pet stores. Alabama needs to follow suit.

  • av: Kim B
  • mottagare: Alabama Legislature

Great news! The Aurora City Council in Colorado has taken a significant step towards helping animal shelters and blocking puppy mills by voting to prohibit the sale of most cats and dogs in pet stores. This small victory shows how states can help eliminate puppy mills, and it's time for other states to follow suit.

Alabama needs to take action and pass a statewide bill that prohibits pet stores from selling puppies from puppy mills. It is common knowledge that pet stores often source their animals from puppy mills, which can have terrible living conditions for young animals. Regulating puppy mills can be challenging, but if businesses are unable to sell animals, it will significantly reduce the profits and incentives for puppy mills.

Sign the petition to demand that the Alabama legislature immediately ban the sale of animals in pet stores. This will prevent animals from being abused and mistreated in puppy mills.

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