It is vital that you not only sign, but network this petition to summon support from all of your social network. Please help us - they are destroying our innocent family. We the human(e) citizens of the world, CHOOSE A LIVING WORLD and FUNDAMENTAL REFORM OF STATE AGENCIES TO A FIRST TIME DEMOCRACY IN FUNDING AND PARTICIPATION OF THE WILDLIFE LOVING PUBLIC (95% of us disenfranchised). Watch this video for incentive to act:
We the citizens of the world support Wisconsin in strengthening anti-cruelty laws to animals to INCLUDE WILDLIFE, who are as sentient as our cats and dogs. We declare that all wild animals have the right to exist, to not be harmed by humans, and fulfill their natural role in the natural world. We demand that Wisconsin democratize wildlife management by replacing killing license oligarchic funding and control of nature for killing with general public funds tied to fair representation for the humane public ( 90% who do not kill wildlife ) in our Natural Resources Board, staffing and humane education in our schools.
Hunters and trappers have lobbied to exempt wildlife, our natural commonwealth, from anti-cruelty laws. We want our wildlife safe from trapping, hunting, and hounding disruption of fragile ecosystems and a dying planet.
Wildlife creates the web of connection that supports human life. We are warned that ecosystems are at a tipping point of biodiversity collapse - and that we humans will not survive the current trajectory of disruption of all that is sacred and real. Wolves, bobcats, bears, lynx, wolverines, coyotes and natural predators are being trophy killed by serial killers, and mid-range natural "fur-bearers" bludgeoned to death by trappers 7 months of the year. This is accelerating the extinction of our world. Please organize and get involved in reforming the status quo "good ole white boy system" of destruction.
Citizens of the world - please support Wisconsin in reforming its government to protect the sacred wildlife who are our companions in this short adventure called life. All animals have the right to exist and fulfill their natural role in the natural world. We must turn state agencies upside down from being killing brokerages to life protectors. Thank you for networking this petition far and wide, worldwide.
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