It's time for a real debate on "moral values"

  • av: Sojourners
  • mottagare: Republican National Committee; Democratic National Committee
Post-election conventional wisdom is telling us the "moral values" issues of gay marriage and abortion won the election for President Bush. But progressive Christians and moderate Americans have moral values too - not everyone defines their faith by divisive wedge issues like gay marriage and abortion.

A post-election poll conducted by Zogby International confirmed that American voters have a far broader definition of "moral values" than the far-right would like us to believe. When asked which "moral issue most influenced your vote," 42% of respondents chose the war in Iraq, while only 13% said abortion and 9% said same-sex marriage.

Clearly, the American people realize that issues such as poverty, war, and social justice are moral values. Why doesn't the leadership of our two major parties recognize this too?

Sign this petition to tell the Republican and Democratic parties that we want leadership that shares our full range of "moral values." America needs real moral leadership on the critical faith issues of war and peace, poverty, and social justice.
Dear Party leaders,

As a person of faith and a voter, I am dismayed by the current narrow political discourse on "moral values." The American people are just as concerned about moral issues such as the war in Iraq and the millions of uninsureded Americans as we are about abortion and gay marriage.

A recent Zogby International poll asked voters which "moral issue most influenced your vote," and 42% of respondents chose the war in Iraq. Only 13% said abortion and 9% said same-sex marriage – this is no political mandate to act on abortion and gay marriage. Clearly, Americans view war as a life issue, and we want leadership that shares our full range of values.

Please lead the way to unifying America on moral values we all agree on – ending poverty, promoting tolerance, and striving for peace in the world – rather than wedge issues designed to divide us.

Thank you,

[Your name]
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