Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to step up regulations and laws against the slaughter of wolves in Canada. It appears that leads are being provided to encourage more killing of wolves, especially in Alberta, rather than doing whatever is necessary to put an end to these barbaric practices. Help us in our continued efforts to stop the killing of wolves, inclusive of Canada as we implore the Canadian Government.
The Canadian government does nothing to stop the killing of wolves and the problem of wolf slaughter is quickly escalating, especially in the Alberta and B.C. areas. They even use what they call Judas wolves in an attempt to lure out more wolves to kill them. The Executive Director of the Raincoast Conservation Foundation Chris Genovali did extensive research to include writing various reports on what is happening to the wolves in Canada.
He claimed that the continuing wolf slaughter was the result of industrial logging along with oil and gas development that endangered the woodland caribou. These developments turned the habitat into landscaping that diminished the necessary resources for the survival of the wolf; their means of security and food.
Genovali states that instead of addressing the destruction of the wolves caribou habitat, they resorted to slaughtering the animals. Senior scientist from the Raincoast Conservation Foundation Paquet also addresses the issue that those most accountable for the destruction of habitat, provinces of Alberta and B.C., continually elude accountability and responsibility affecting other wild life, including the grey wolf.
The wolf slaughter in Canada was premeditated and had supporters through encouragement, such as contests with monetary prizes for the most wolves killed. The Canadian Government is literally doing nothing to stop wolf slaughter; they are supporting it by allowing such practices. This is a barbaric method and appears that people like to kill animals like the wolf just for fun. Others believe it is a form of conservation that is revolting but not ethical. It appears that nothing or very little is being done to stop the slaughter of wolves in Canada. Help us to stop these practices through our efforts presented in this petition to encourage the Government of Canada to take more steps to implement and enforce laws that will stop the wolf slaughter!
Canadian Government Officials, Alberta & B.C. Province Officials in Charge of Wildlife & Conservation - Killing of wolves is not a viable sport and one that should not be encouraged and supported. You are leading your citizens to believe in the joy of killing animals. A slaughter of wolves in Canada is not a proper form of conservation. You need to stop the slaughter of the wolf throughout Canada and take whatever steps necessary to do so. Implement some strict laws against the slaughter and enforce these laws. Stop taking away all their habitat which not only affects them but other wildlife. Step up your methods drastically and stop killing wolves throughout Canada.
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