DEMAND that Lauderdale County (Alabama) create their OWN Animal Shelter or PAY their FAIR share.

Lauderdale County animals make up a whopping 75% of the animals brought into the Florence, (Alabama) Animal Shelter, but the County contributes LESS THAN 20% towards the shelter's annual operating costs!!!

The City of Florence is NOT required by law to maintain an animal shelter (but the COUNTY IS!!), and yet the Florence residents continue to support the surrounding County by accepting their animals without receiving adequate funding.  Because of this, HUNDREDS of animals are euthanized each year due to lack of space and resources, despite the best efforts from the volunteer organization HASRA (Heart of Alabama Save Rescue Adopt). 

If Lauderdale County would contribute even HALF the money needed for annual operating costs, the Florence Shelter could become a NO KILL shelter by adopting out or sending animals to rescues all over the country.  Their less than 20% contribution barely touches the cost of animal vaccines, food, care, upkeep, personnel, housing, cleaning supplies, transporting, and other medical costs at the Florence Shelter!!

Year after year, the Florence Animal Shelter has tried to negotiate with Lauderdale County, but they continue to refuse adequate support.  This is why the Florence Animal Shelter MUST SEPARATE from Lauderdale County and they MUST construct their own shelter for county animals.  If the county creates their own shelter, Florence Animal Shelter will IMMEDIATELY become a NO KILL SHELTER!

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