Congress: Enact Fair, Ambitious and Comprehensive Climate Legislation Now

This year marks the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, when twenty million Americans flooded the streets and demanded environmental accountability from leaders in Washington.

While great progress has been made since, today brings new challenges posed by climate change and an addiction to fossil fuels. To address these threats, we must fundamentally change the way we innovate, produce and consume.

The 40th anniversary of Earth Day is our chance to demand accountability from Congress. On April 25, this Sunday, Americans will gather on the National Mall in Washington, DC. During the Climate Rally, all the petition signatures will be displayed, showing the power behind America's call for fair, ambitious and comprehensive climate legislation.

Sign the petition and show Congress that America is serious about clean energy and a sustainable future.
Dear [Decision Maker],

We demand that you support fair, ambitious and comprehensive climate legislation. America can no longer afford to reward polluters while jeopardizing millions of green jobs, our energy independence and a solution to the climate crisis.

[Your comment will be inserted here]

Congress must stop the delays and step up for the American people. Please, support a strong climate bill and help us power a brighter future for all.
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