Stop Japan's Dolphin Slaughter

  • av: Blue Voice
  • mottagare: Mr. A Nakamae, Japanese Commissioner to the International Whaling Commission
Every year, Japanese fishermen, with the support of the Japanese government, slaughter thousands of dolphins in a brutal manner.

Killing dolphins is not only grotesquely inhumane, but eating dolphin meat has been proven to be a serious health hazard. Some dolphin meat sold to the Japanese public contains mercury in excess of levels found in the Minamata catastrophe. Tests of dolphin eaters has shown levels 96 times what Japan's public health laws allow.

Demand that Japanese law end this brutal slaughter of intelligent marine mammals and protect the health of the people of Japan! Representatives from BlueVoice will hand-deliver your signature to Japan's delegate to the upcoming International Whaling Commission meeting, where their dolphin slaughter will be discussed -- but we need your signature by June 15 for hand delivery!
We hereby petition Japan to end the brutal slaughter of dolphins and small whales in coastal villages of Japan.

The slaughters are conducted in a shockingly brutal manner repugnant to civilized people. Dolphins and whales are large brained, highly social animals respected worldwide. They are curious and friendly to humans when approached with care and respect. Many nations have laws protecting these animals.

The meat of the dolphins killed and sold for human consumption is highly contaminated with heavy metals and organochlorines resulting from industrial discharge into the oceans. This meat does not meet Japanese health standards and is often mislabeled as whale meat.

Many Japanese people care highly for dolphins. Most Japanese are unaware that dolphins are killed in this cruel manner in their country. Only a few fishermen in a small number of villages profit from this government-subsidized barbarity.

We demand an end to the cruel slaughter of dolphins and small whales in Japanese waters.

The Undersigned
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