Arctic Waters are at Risk Again

An important rule designed to protect the Arctic Ocean is about to be rolled back by the Trump administration and we need your help.
The Arctic Rule is designed to ensure that if companies ever attempt to explore for oil and gas in Arctic waters again, they will adhere to common-sense procedures designed to maximize safety and minimize risk.
But now, the Trump administration is poised to roll-back those protections.
The Arctic Rule addresses the unique challenges of operating in the Arctic Ocean. It requires special measures to prevent and address oil spills in ice-prone waters, such as seasonal drilling restrictions to help ensure that the formation of sea ice does not adversely affect spill prevention and response. These measures reduce the odds of a catastrophic oil spill in U.S. Arctic waters.
With everything else confronting the nation at this time—from a global pandemic to wrenching displays of state-sponsored violence toward Black Americans—it is mind-boggling that the administration chooses to focus its energies on weakening safety and environmental protections in the Arctic Ocean.
Please take action for the Arctic today!
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