Get Toxic Algae Out of Our Drinking Water

A year ago, something happened that shocked the Great Lakes region - the city of Toledo, Ohio found toxic drinking water moving through its taps.

For more than two days, over 400,000 Toledo residents were warned against drinking water from their taps after a massive toxic algal bloom contaminated the waters in Lake Erie around the city's drinking water intakes.

The toxic algal blooms in western Lake Erie are a signal that the health of the Great Lakes is sliding backwards. And the stakes could not be higher. If we lose clean drinking water, we lose everything.

In June, several regional leaders joined together and made a promise to the people of western Lake Erie: by 2025, the pollution that causes toxic drinking water will be reduced by 40%.

This promise is a big step forward, but it won't mean anything if our leaders don't follow through with real, concrete action.

We need the Governors of Ohio, Michigan and Indiana and the Premier of Ontario to commit to a clear plan to reduce pollution in the Great Lakes, accurately monitor those efforts, and transparently report the results of the cleanup.

It's time to save our drinking water from toxic algae! Call on our leaders today to follow through on the promise to cut pollution in the Great Lakes.
To Governors Kasich, Pence, and Snyder and Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne:

A year ago, something happened that shocked the Great Lakes region - the city of Toledo, Ohio found toxic drinking water moving through its taps.

For more than two days, over 400,000 Toledo residents were warned against drinking water from their taps after a massive toxic algal bloom contaminated the waters in Lake Erie around the city's drinking water intakes.

There were warnings. Small groups of scientists and citizens have known for decades that Lake Erie was uniquely at risk. But no one truly expected that nearly half a million people would be told they could not have water, despite living on the shores of the world's greatest freshwater resource.

This puts the Great Lakes region in a place it certainly does not want, and cannot afford, to be. It is a signal that the health of the Great Lakes region is sliding backwards. If we lose clean drinking water, we lose everything. If thousands or millions know the Great Lakes only as a place with dirty water, closed-down beaches, and towns no one wants to visit, we foreclose the greatest opportunity in a generation to rebuild our region. If our water induces fear in people rather than inspiration, the idea of the Great as a center of innovation, tourism, talent attraction and economic growth will evaporate.

Our region has shown we have the power to fulfill big commitments, and we now have one for Lake Erie. We are pleased to thank Governor Kasich, Governor Snyder of Michigan and Premier Wynne of Ontario for making a promise to the people of western Lake Erie: by 2025, the phosphorus pollution that causes toxic drinking water will be reduced by 40%. That is tons of phosphorus - estimated at more than 5 million pounds. Stopping 5 million pounds of pollution in ten years is going to be tough. We need to get serious about how that's going to happen - or it won't.

The states have begun to take steps toward stopping pollution earlier this year with new laws. But, much more remains to be done - not just by individual states, but in a collaboration with each state and province that contributes to the problem. We are calling on you to take action on the three items below as important steps immediate next steps to get programs moving right away to reduce pollution.

First, we need a clear plan that allocates pollution reduction to all the sources that need to reduce - from chemical fertilizer, manure, wastewater and more.

Second, we need a world class monitoring system - both to protect the health of the public during a crisis, and to know if the steps we take to reduce pollution are having any impact.

Finally, we need to report transparently and honestly every single year between now and 2025 on how much pollution has been removed from Lake Erie. And we have to be willing to demand more pollution control if the data shows our efforts aren't working.

We need action in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Ontario to make the commitment real so every Great Lakes community and citizen knows that Great Lakes water will be clean, safe and here for them and their families for generations.


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