Speak Up to Save Puget Sound's Orcas

The rare and playful orcas of the Pacific Northwest urgently need your help. A property-rights group is trying to strip away Endangered Species Act protections for the last remaining killer whales in Puget Sound. We can't let that happen.

There are only about 86 orcas left in this population -- and they continue to face the very real threat of extinction because of pollution, climate change and food shortages. This unique population feeds on fish -- unlike other orcas -- and their salmon food source has been severely depleted.

Despite these threats, the federal government is considering a proposal by the property-rights group Pacific Legal Foundation to remove orcas from the endangered species list.

Please sign the petition today to take action and protect Puget Sound's orcas.
I am writing to support continued protections for the southern resident killer whales under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This population of killer whales in the Puget Sound has not recovered and it faces continuing threats. Accordingly, the killer whale needs continued protection as an endangered species.

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The law and science are clear that Puget Sound's killer whales are a distinct population segment deserving of Endangered Species Act protections. This population has strong site fidelity, unique genetics and, unlike other orcas, it preys on fish. Indeed, the depletion of salmon populations has limited the food availability for these orcas. Additionally, threats to orcas from pollution, habitat degradation, vessel traffic and food limitation continue.

Puget Sound's iconic orcas are playful and live in tight knit family units, called "pods." Delisting orcas would undermine years of recovery efforts and remove important protections that the orcas vitally need to ensure their survival.

Thank you


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