Build A Better George Mason Elementary School

George Mason Elementary School is close to a century old. The facility can no longer support the needs of the students, staff, and families. There are on-going issues with ALL bathrooms, rodent/insect problems and heat/cooling issues. All of these factors contribute to the difficulty in a proper teaching and learning environment.

George Mason is on the cusp of something great. We have over 85 volunteers that partner with our school on a monthly basis that are committed. These people, combined with our faculty and staff need and deserve a better working environment. In order to encourage our staff professionally, invest in them and retain them we have to move to a new building and/or build a new one. Our people (students and staff) need this to happen and soon! The time is now, we cannot wait.

Finally, moving to a new building and/or building a new one would prove to our students and staff that they are cared for. Our building is truly in a state of emergency. At the end of the day, the building of GMES produces major health issues that IMPACT how are students learn and how our staff are able to teach.

The fundamental question is this: How can we expect the best from our people (our staff, volunteers, and especially, the kids) if we do not give them the best facility that they spend their valued time in?

Please sign this petition to show our community, School Board and City Officials that we are joined together in an effort to "Build a Better George Mason ES!" Thank you.

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