Women Working Within the Australian Government Are Allegedly Being Sexually Harassed, Bullied and Embarrassed by the Men Working Alongside Them

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: The Morrison Government

The Australian Government has recently issued a report based on a review of workplace standards within the ministry and parliament house which found alleged widespread sexual misconduct, crude and demeaning behaviours, and abuse of power in the national cabinet.

Act now and tell the Morrison Government to reassess the standards and rules put in place to keep women safe in the workplace and stop this type of harassment!

According to the report, one in three parlimentary staffers said they experienced some form of sexual harrassment, bullying, or actual assault while working there. The report was ordered after a former staffer claimed she was raped within the walls of parliment house, after which more people started coming forward with their own horrific stories. Some women say they carry around fake binders and files so that male members of parliament won't try and kiss them, saying that Australian parliament is akin to a boys club without consequence

Please tell the Morrison Government to improve it's workplace standards regarding sexual misconduct and toxic behaviours immediately, and keep women safe!

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