Save the Tongass from Destructive Logging

Time is running out to save America's rainforest from the chopping block. And this is your chance to protect it. Right now, the Forest Service is determining the fate of Alaska's Tongass National Forest.

Port Houghton, Tongass National Forest
Photo Credit: John Schoen

A new management plan proposes a devastating increase in logging levels in pristine natural areas. This plan could lead to a loss of crucial wildlife habitat in an area already scarred by decades of irresponsible, clearcut logging.

The good news is that the public can help shape this plan, but only for a limited period of time. Take advantage of this rare opportunity to demand permanent protection and influence the fate of the rainforest in Alaska!

Don't let the administration use our taxpayer dollars to feed America's rainforest to the timber industry. It's destructive and a money-losing venture!

Time is running short. Sign the petition TODAY!

Dear Supervisor Forrest Cole,

As an advocate for the protection of America's remaining wild places, I strongly object to the "proposed action" in the Tongass draft management plan.

This alternative sets logging at unreasonable and unsustainable levels - risking serious damage to the rich biological diversity of the forest. I am also gravely concerned that large, roadless areas containing pristine old-growth forest are left open for logging, when, in fact, they are the areas with the greatest need for protection.

This level of logging on the Tongass has no economic justification and would be devastating to the environment, costly to American taxpayers, and harmful to the local economy of communities in Southeast Alaska. It is far out of step with the wishes of the American public - who have repeatedly voiced their strong support for the protection of our remaining roadless areas.

Please pursue an alternative that protects - and does not damage - this incredible natural area.

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