Stop the open season on BC Canada's Grey Wolves

  • av: Vicky H
  • mottagare: Pierre Johnstone, Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Peace Region
Raise your voice against the year-round hunting of BC's grey wolves!!
Biologists from British Columbia's Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection are planning to systematically kill wolves at the behest of the trophy hunting lobby; this time their regressive wildlife management is focused on the 6.3-million-hectare Muskwa-Kechika park in the northern Rockies wilderness. The plan would see wolves being shot and trapped year-round, increasing the bag limit from three wolves to 10. These measures, as well as a proposal to burn 120 square kilometres a year in the area, are in addition to the sterilization last month of 13 wolves in five packs in the Muskwa-Kechika.

The two-pronged goal is to create grassland habitat while reducing natural predation of ungulates, such as Rocky Mountain elk, Stone's mountain sheep, woodland caribou and moose, all species heavily sought after by resident and foreign hunters. This is part of an experiment to increase ungulates in the Muskwa-Kechika funded in part by hunting outfitters - a move designed to generate more big-game animals for hunters.

Please help save the wolves of BC. If signing the petition is not enough for you please e-mail the following people to help more. Your e-mail could mean the all difference for the wolves:

Pierre Johnstone
Fax: (250) 787-3490
Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Peace Region
Environmental Stewardship Division
400-10003 110th Ave.
Fort St. John, BC V1J 6M7

Joyce Murray, Minister of Water, Land & Air Protection
Fax: 250-387-1356
Phone: 250 387-1187
Leg Ass, PO Box 9047 Stn Prov Gov
Victoria BC V8W 9E2

(For more information/updates on this please visit and for more information on wolves or to sponser a wolf please visit

Thanks once again.
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