Protect Community Television

  • av: rihab charida
  • mottagare: ABA, Licencing Section, Australian Broadcasting Association
Community Television Sydney Channel 31 is the only television Network that gives a voice to Sydney’s community. CTS' broadcasting license is up for renewal. Show your support - Keep Community Television in the hands of the Community.
Community Television Sydney (CTS) has been broadcasting on Channel 31 for over ten years, providing the community with an opportunity to voice relevant issues. This platform is not available on any other television station as CTS is currently the only TV station in Sydney that is not controlled by the government or commercial interests.

CTS' broadcasting licence is up for renewal. If CTS is not granted its licence, the Channel could stop operating as early as three weeks, completely disconnecting the people of Sydney from the only community television station in the city. Should this happen, the vehicle connecting Sydney’s diverse community would be lost, and the voice of the community silenced.

CTS has been successfully servicing the needs and demands of the diverse interests within the Sydney community. Operating on a policy of inclusiveness, the doors have always been open to any person or group with an interest in community television. CTS provides access and equity to all groups within Sydney that would otherwise not have the opportunity to effectively reach a broad audience, which is currently 1.3 million viewers a month and rising.

CTS has also provided interested members of society - from people of non-English speaking backgrounds, to the over 50's, youth, refugees, and other marganilised members of the community - with training and skills, increasing media accessibility and opportunity. From its governance, through to the program providers and volunteer base, CTS is a direct representation of Sydney's diverse community.

Other applicants for the Sydney licence are mostly specialist submissions, whose programs are already well represented within CTS programming. The only other contender with a generalist approach is TV Sydney (TVS). Although TVS' programming would be generalist - in that they won't be limited to the views of only one group - no guarantee has been made by TVS that the diverse communities within Sydney would be provided with true representation or access to airtime on television. On the other hand, CTS has successfully provided and facilitated diverse programming and is determined to continue doing so. Another point of concern is that TVS does not currently have the facilities to broadcast. Channel 31 would cease transmission for at least 12 months, should TVS be awarded the Sydney licence.

If CTS is not granted the licence, Sydney's community would be severely impacted upon, effecting not only the program providers, but all those connected to CTS; its viewers, wide volunteer base, and the many and varied groups in Sydney that access CTS. Many communities rely on CTS' very existence because it provides them with a profile and a focus, community news, local events and information that cannot be accessed anywhere else. The voice of Sydney's community cannot be silenced. CTS is committed to keeping Community Television in the hands of the Community.
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