Dear Senator,
I am writing to ask for your support of a bill now pending in Congress that would require all Senators to file their campaign contribution reports electronically. S. 223, the Senate Campaign Disclosure Parity Act, would bring the Senate into the 21st century by creating greater transparency and help restore our faith in the openness of government. Members of the House of Representatives are already required to file their campaign reports electronically.
It's long past time for the Senate to do it too. It's time for the Senate to move into the modern era. Transparency will breed greater trust, and it will save the taxpayers money. Each year the paper filing process used by the Senate costs American taxpayers a quarter of a million dollars. According to the nonpartisan Campaign Finance Institute, every Senate office is already equipped with the necessary computers and software to make this change to electronic filing.
Currently an anonymous senator is blocking the passage of this bill because they want to add unnecessary amendments. The Senate Campaign Disclosure Parity Act deserves to be passed without amendment. Please show your support by cosponsoring the bill, S. 223, and opposing the effort to block clean passage.
The 110th Congress pledged to be "the most open and honest Congress in history." The passage of the Senate Campaign Disclosure Parity Act helps ensure that promise.
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