Urge the NSW Government to Implement a Puppy Farm Licensing Scheme to Help Stop the Abuse of Dogs and Pups

The NSW Government has failed to introduce a puppy farm licensing scheme, which would have helped to ensure the welfare of dogs and puppies around the state, according to a report on ABC.net.au

The licensing scheme was part of several key recommendations from an inquiry into puppy factories.

The story reports: "The inquiry heard horrific allegations of neglect and abuse of animals at puppy farms, including accounts of hungry dogs cannibalising other animals and puppies only being fed roadkill.

"The inquiry recommended the NSW Government set up a stand-alone licensing scheme that would require all breeders to register and include a licence number with the sale of each animal. This would have ensured the industry could be monitored."

Puppy farms have been shown time and again to be places of cruelty. Will you join me in urging the NSW Government to implement key recommendations from the inquiry into the mistreatment of animals at puppy factories.

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