Mental Health Bill

  • av: P Willitts
  • mottagare: Louis Appleby, Mental Health Czar, Government of Britain
The proposed Mental Health Bill could have damaging and dangerous consequences for all users, and potential users, of mental health services in the UK
The proposed Mental Health Bill could be devastating to many mental health service users. Mind, in a press release, states, "The Mental Health Alliance recognises that the Government wants to improve on the old Mental Health Act of 1983, but there are key elements of this Bill that will actually make mental health services worse:
 It will ‘backfire’ as more compulsory detentions and forced treatments in the community will drive people away from seeking services. The new criteria for compulsion are far too wide
 There are no rights to services – which means people will still be turned away from services when they need them
 Essential safeguards for detained patients are missing."
This bill proposes, amongst other things, forcible medication and forced imprisonment when no crime has been committed.
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