Free Robert A. Levinson

  • av: Rodger Morrow
  • mottagare: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President, Islamic Republic of Iran
A petition to President Ahmadinejad of the Islamic Republic of Iran calling for the immediate release of U.S. citizen Robert A. Levinson, who has been illgegally detained by the government of Iran since early March 2007.
Dear President Ahmadinejad,

We the undersigned call upon you to acknowledge the Islamic Republic of Iran's unjust and illegal detention of U.S. citizen Robert A. Levinson, who disappeared from his hotel room on the island of Kish on or about March 8, 2007, and has not been heard from since.

Numerous reports in the Iranian and Western media attest to the fact of Mr. Levinson's detention, without charge, by Iranian authorities. Yet the government of the Islamic Republic has refused to acknowledge his detention or even the fact of his presence in the country.

We ask that Iran inform the U.S. State Department immediately of Mr. Levinson's whereabout and the state of his wellbeing and make prompt arrangements for his return to his family in the United States.
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