Demand Panda Protections in China

  • av: Lynn Hamilton
  • mottagare: National People's Congress of China

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature is contemplating taking giant pandas off their endangered list and listing them as vulnerable instead. However, the increase in the wild panda population is really only seventeen percent. Not what you could honestly call a full-scale come back. Pandas are still at risk from humans overrunning their habitat and loss of food due to construction and farming. Pandas are coaxed into breeding within the context of zoos and wildlife refuges. Pandas in the wild are still extremely vulnerable.

The government of China needs to take action to protect pandas in the event that they lose their protection as endangered species. Please join me in asking the Chinese government to limit the number of people admitted to panda habitat at any one time and require them to observe a noise restriction and to keep a specific distance from the animals.

To the National People's Congress of China:

I am, of course, delighted to learn that the giant panda population is on the rise. I am, however, concerned about what will happen if this animal loses its endangered species status. Panda populations have increased due to vigilant breeding programs that coax captive pandas into reproducing. In the wild, giant pandas are still very vulnerable. And their numbers have not increased in any way that can be described as spectacular. Please do your part to protect pandas. Limit the number of people admitted to panda habitat at any one time and require eco tourists to observe a noise restriction and to keep a specific distance from the animals.

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