Demand Apology for Disabled Britons
According to conservative British Member of Parliament Philip Davies, disabled citizens of the United Kingdom should be paid even less than minimum wage.
Davies said that people with disabilities should not expect to be offered the same pay rate as non-disabled individuals.
The ten million people living with disabilities in the United Kingdom already face countless ingrained prejudices in the working world. By describing them as a source of cheap labor, Davies is making it even more difficult for them to overcome these prejudices.
Davies's idea to shunt disabled people into officially sanctioned second-class citizenry is both ridiculous and insulting. Demand that he apologize to the disabled people of the United Kingdom.
Dear MP Philip Davies,
I am writing to demand an apology for your ill-informed comments that disabled citizens of the United Kingdom should be paid less than minimum wage.
Approximately ten million people in the United Kingdom live with disabilities of some sort. To propose that these people should expect lower wages is both insulting and irresponsible.
[Your comments here]
Disabled people rely on the minimum wage standard for protection from poverty. If you rob them of this, you risk dooming them to permanent second-class citizenry. I urge you to retract your comments and work toward a more sustainable economic solution.
[Your name]
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