Help future generations thrive with a gift in your Will

Legacy gifts, whether through a Will or other options, are vital to UNICEF's life-saving work for children. They provide secure funds that allow us to expand and develop our long-term programs with confidence. Whatever the size of your legacy gift, it will help us reach children in more than 190 countries and territories with vaccines, clean water, education, therapeutic food and more.

UNICEF has worked tirelessly for more than 75 years in the world's most complex situations, bringing life-saving aid and long-term support to children and their families. We rise to the challenge, reimagine what is possible, and ensure the rights of every child are realized. Before, during and after emergencies, UNICEF is there to help those who need it most.

Request your free legacy giving guide to learn more about UNICEF's work and how a gift in your Will can impact children's lives for generations to come.
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