Societal Violence Is Linked to Animal Cruelty And Child Abuse

The Link® between child abuse and animal cruelty, as well as other forms of societal violence is internationally recognized, yet so much more can and must be done to address this disturbing connection.

With the support of Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-CA), American Humane recently filed a Resolution in the House of Representatives that would designate May 2009 as Link Awareness Month.

Representative Davis has a reputation as a powerful advocate of child and animal advocate and a longstanding member of the Congressional Friends of Animals Caucus.

H. Res. 191 is currently pending before the House Judiciary Committee, and American Humane is working to move the Resolution to a House vote before May.

Sign this important petition today to show your support for American Humane's Link Awareness Month Resolution!
Dear Representative,

The Link between animal abuse and other forms of societal violence is internationally recognized, yet so much more can and must be done to address this disturbing connection.

You have before you a Resolution that would designate May 2009 as Link Awareness Month.

Representative Susan Davis (D-CA) has a reputation as a powerful advocate of child and animal advocate and a longstanding member of the Congressional Friends of Animals Caucus. The resolution was filed with 13 original co-sponsors which include Rep. Howard L. Berman (CA), Rep. Steve Cohen (TN), Rep. Sam Farr (CA), Rep. Elton Gallegly (CA), Rep. Jim Gerlach (PA), Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (OH), Rep. Dennis Moore (KS), Rep. James P. Moran (VA), Rep. Charles B. Rangel (NY), Rep. Linda T. Sanchez (CA), Rep. Janice D. Schakowsky (IL), Rep. Christopher Shays (CT), and Rep. Lynn C. Woolsey (CA).
I am writing to voice my support for this important Resolution, and to encourage you to bring this Resolution to a vote before May.

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