Education of the dangers of the Choking Game must be incorporated into D.A.R.E, Teen Risk Preve

Every year between 500-1,000 children (typically 9-16 years old) have been found dead or with severe brain damage as a direct result of 'playing' the 'Choking Game'.  Adolescents are attracted to this activity because it is easily concealed and they believe it to be a safe, drug-free high.   Thousands of pre-teens and teenagers practice this on a daily basis, taking their life in their own hands every time.  Prevention of these injuries lies in education of adolescents to the risk they take every time they chose to participate.

In a 2006 poll of 500 6th-12th graders:
53% of the boys admitted playing "The Choking Game"
Of those who admitted playing:
86% admitted to playing 2x/week
64% admitted to playing alone

More Stats of The Choking Game:

  • 75% of children know about the game
  • 40% perceived NO RISK!

  • only 25% of parents knew about the game and it's risks.        

  • 87% of fatal cases involved a lone participant 

  • 70% of Accidental Asphyxia cases occured in the child's bedroom- within the family's own home! 

  • In 60% of cases, parents or other caregivers were home at the time.   In these instances the child was discovered within 1 hour of the incident.   The results were the same -unexpected death. 

**In the event that the D.A.R.E program has been cut or is not part of a school systems curricula - Individual School District Health programs MUST also teach the Dangers of The Choking Game as part of their curricula. 

For more info, Statistics, Prevention, Victim Database and Tributes:

The D.A.R.E. program is currently teaching age appropriate cirricula to elementary through high school aged children about the dangers of smoking, drugs and violence.   This program has just recently caught up to some of the newest trends and included the dangers of  inhalants.   The Choking Game must also be incorporated into this cirricula.D.A.R.E,  School District Health Programs, Pediatricians, Family Physicians and all professionals with direct contact to children have a responsibility to be informed.  And to inform parents and children to the dangers of Self-Inflicted Asphyxia - AKA "The Choking Game" in a proactive, preventative posture. "We're not aiming to reinvent the wheel, just to add the current spoke."Please sign this petition-  we need to ensure professionals inform parents and keep children safe!
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