Shut down fur farms for failing the environment

Millions of mink and fox suffer on inherently inhumane industrialized fur farms across Canada, and that is considered acceptable by the federal government, as no laws governing their fair treatment exists. But the farms do fail to meet the clear standards set out in the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) 1999, and must be shut down until they reach full compliance.

The CEPA's Guiding Principles include pollution prevention, an ecosystem approach, the precautionary principle, and science-based decision making; all of these can be seen as violated in various farms from British Columbia to Nova Scotia. As provincial governments have failed to make appropriate policy or enforce such policy relating to the environmental harm caused by Canada's fur farms, the federal Ministry of Environment and Climate Change must act, as is their duty under CEPA.

These farms cannot be allowed to continue under current and harmful (potentially irreversible) conditions.

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